Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Smart Kid!

Oliver started soccer last month and has had lots of fun playing all of the different games and exercises offered each week.

Today we played Red Light, Green Light followed by the Fox and the Farmer. I'm sure most people know the rules of Red Light (stop), Green Light (Go, go, go). The Fox and The Farmer is played by putting a "tail" on one person while another chases him to try to pull the tail off. Oliver and Mommy were taking turns wearing the tail while the other chased. When Mommy put on the tail and started to run away, Oliver yelled "Red Light" and grabbed the tail.

Sneaky that one!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Now May I Go to The Festival?

It is one of our favorite times in Central Texas - when the weather turns warm (but not yet take-your-breath-away-covered-in-sweat-hot) and the festivals and outdoor activities are plentiful. We have had a great time exploring some new places and some oldies but goodies.

Having a swinging good time at Spring Woods Park

Now that the weather has turned nice we are trying to ditch the car as much as possible in favor of the bike. On their first long(ish) ride in the trailer, I arrived home and looked back to see the kids snuggled in asleep on each other. Precious!

The Red Poppy Festival in Georgetown Texas is one of our favorites. It is a great place to walk around with the family, play in the bouncy houses, have a picnic and spend some time with friends!

My friend Molly and I co-captained a team for The Great American Bake Sale to benefit Share our Strength's effort to end childhood hunger in the nation. We held the sale at Sweet Berry Farm in Marble Falls, TX. It was a lot of work but also tons of fun and in the end we raised over $800 toward a great cause. The kids and Jon also came out to support us, play with the animals on the farm and pick some yummy berries. All in all a great day!

I know Ollie will one day be very upset with me for posting this picture for all the world to see (though his future wife will appreciate it!) but how could I withhold this cuteness? Ollie had been working hard to get 10 stickers on his potty prize so he could open it and this was the day. We celebrated by opening his prize and trying on his brand new big boy undies.

Ava didn't seem to mind her 9 month check up at all. Of course, everything goes better with a Mum Mum cracker. She checked out a-ok and weighed in at 16 lbs 13oz (pre-cracker).

Ollie has always enjoyed playing with his trains but lately is in to riding them too! He had lots of fun at The Fireman's Festival in Hutto riding the barrel train.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

We're Back....

Okay, so it has been quite a while since we last met in cyberspace and we only have Mom to blame. Since the last post (among other things), we moved, had a baby, vacationed in the Caribbean with the extended family, grew as a family and lost our previous website host. So here we are at our brand new site we are just going to start fresh this spring.

I (Mom) tend to be a lot better about taking pictures when I know I have this blog to update so hopefully there will be plenty more pictures in the next few posts. But for now here are a few from the past year:

Ollie at his Petting Zoo Birthday Party Last Year

Ava Arrives - August 17th 2009

Aunt Sharon, Aunt Jen and Cousin Chase Visit

Meeting GiGi in St. Louis

Gammy and Ava at her Naming

Snow in Austin!!!

Stern Family Cruise Adventure Begins - March 2010

Ava in Roatan

The Family all Dressed Up for Formal Night

Hanging with the Extended Family on Week Two of the Cruise

Ollie with his friends Jackson and Tyler before a flashlight egg hunt

When the Bluebonnets come out in Austin, all parents are obligated to take pictures of their kids in plentiful fields. We found a great field just outside of an egg hunt in early April.

Daddy's Birthday Morning Before Brunch